We are happy to announce that a new Arkindex release is available. You can explore Arkindex and try out the newest features on our demo instance, demo.arkindex.org.
Technical release notes for developers and instance administrators are available here.
Document exports
The document export feature that we introduced in the previous release has been expanded to also support DOCX and CSV exports through the Export as DOCX and Export as CSV actions available on any project or folder element, or from the selection page.

See the dedicated section in the Arkindex documentation for more information.
The Arkindex documentation now includes new sections for workers, processes, models and user permissions to make it easier to learn how to manage Machine Learning workers, train models, and run processes in Arkindex.
Worker configurations now support text fields with multiple lines, making it easier to have larger amounts of text in a single option. Worker developers can enable these on their string fields through the multiline: true
option in the user configuration.

Our optional search feature now also supports searching elements by class name, through their classifications. It was already possible to filter a search query by class name, but not to search for a class directly.

This change will require a manual intervention from a system administrator when upgrading. System administrators may refer to the technical release notes for more information.
Additionally, some improvements were made in the handling of URLs of existing search queries, to make bookmarking or sharing searches easier.
This development was supported by IFAO.
Project and element management
Some small quality-of-life improvements have been made on project and element management.
The tabs of the Project information view have been reorganized and renamed to make them more discoverable:

Additionally, when browsing an element, the element's name is now easier to select and copy through a triple-click in the navbar. A bug was also fixed which caused a scroll bar to be shown when viewing an element's details.