We are happy to announce that a new Arkindex release is available. You can explore Arkindex and try out the newest features on our demo instance, demo.arkindex.org.
Technical release notes for developers and instance administrators are available here.
Task execution time
The execution time of process tasks is now tracked. In the frontend, this execution time is now displayed for each task in the process status page.

Frontend interface
In the children tree of any Arkindex element, it is now possible to **load all children elements** at once. The "load all" button displays a count of all the elements that would be loaded when clicking it. The regular "load more" button has been moved to the top of the tree.

Errors when renaming a worker configuration (which can happen if you try to rename an existing worker configuration to a name that is already used by another worker configuration) are now correctly handled and displayed by the frontend.
Command Line Interface
- All objects created using the Page XML document import are now created with a worker run, not as manual results.
- When publishing a tagged worker version using the worker version publication command, if a worker version with the same revision URL already exists, instead of failing the command now updates the existing version's tag.
Miscellaneous updates
- [Enterprise Edition] A new setting is now available on Ponos agent: using
they can be configured to accept or not accept new tasks. This can be set from the Django administration interface. - The size of Model versions was previously limited to 2 Gb; they can now have a size of up to several terabytes.