A new release is available for Arkindex instances. You can test it on our demo instance: demo.arkindex.org.

You can learn more about Arkindex on its official documentation.


Clickable worker run summary

  • A new worker run details display is available. On an element that has been created by a workers process, you can now click the worker run summary to open the worker run details modal, which contains information about the process itself, the worker and worker version that were used, the model (if one was used) and the configuration (idem). You can also go to the corresponding worker, version and process from the modal.

Worker run details

  • A new worker version details page is available at /worker-version/$WORKER_VERSION_ID.

Worker version details

  • It is now possible to clone an existing worker configuration. By clicking the clone button above a worker configuration's details, you open a configuration creation form pre-filled with the cloned configuration's values. This makes it easier to create new configurations for workers, when only a few parameters have to be changed.

Clone configuration


  • Search results can now be sorted either by name or relevance. They were previously sorted by relevance only.

  • The filtering "facets" in the search can now be sorted either by number of occurrences, or by name, for easier use when there are a lot of element sources or types in a project.

Search results sorting and facets

Minor changes

  • An old leftover limitation of the number of points in a element's polygon to 512 points has been removed from the import tasks. This means that polygons that are created by an import (for example, when importing data from Transkribus) can now contain any number of points, just as the polygons created manually or by workers.
  • The integration of TypeScript in the Arkindex frontend's code continues (see 1.3.4 release notes), with API helpers functions having been converted.